Deltek Acumen
Engineering a plan with elaborate logistics, while trying to satisfy the owner’s requirements for ontime, to-budget, and to-spec project completion, is a huge challenge. To meet that challenge, construction projects require an achievable and sound project plan, open lines of communication between owners, subcontractors, and stakeholders, and insight into both ongoing and completed project performance. The Deltek Acumen software suite is comprehensive enough to meet each of these needs while maintaining the flexibility to adapt to each user’s business needs. Acumen software is used by hundreds of construction companies including many on ENR’s Top 400 Contractors list.

Manual schedule analysis takes man hours away from core project work. Acumen Fuse® provides an automated, repea table analysis based on standard industry quality checks, the built in scoring of Fuse Schedule Index™, thousands of built-in metrics, or an unlimited number of custom metrics.
The diagnostics in Acumen Fuse report everything from activities with missing logic to those missing resource assignments. You choose from the over 300 out-of-the box metrics to create custom views and reports on the information necessary for your project. The metric editor allows users to create their own checks and include those in each analysis view or report generated.
Rolling the metrics up into a single score gives immediate insight into the health of the schedule. Activities can then be grouped by WBS, contractor, location, or any field within the schedule to compare quality scores and zero-in on where improvements need to be made. With a built-in schedule cleanser, corrections can be made directly within Fuse saving hours of time spent sifting through the schedule to repair missing logic or remove hard constraints.
Today’s market produces enough uncontrollable project influencing factors to make it imperative to account for the known uncertainty and risks. The innovative, simplified risk analysis of Acumen Risk™ eliminates the need for statistical expertise and generates a truly integrated cost and schedule risk analysis in a fraction of the time of traditional methods. Improving schedule realism elevates schedule quality to the next level.
Acumen Risk not only simplifies the results generated during risk analysis, but greatly simplifies the process of risk-loading the schedule. By grouping activities based on WBS, a common field, or even a user defined field users can quickly go through and assign uncertainty estimates to each activity group. Every child activity inherits the settings of the parent – saving hours of time on a large project schedule. The exceptions to the rule, or those activities that require a different three-point estimate than their parent, can be flagged.
As a project progresses, tracking change orders becomes more and more difficult. As they’re approved, it can be difficult to determine how they’re incorporation into the schedule is affecting project performance. Acumen software provides the high-power forensic analysis necessary to identify schedule changes across an unlimited number of versions and show the impact each change had on the project. With Acumen’s forensic analysis capabilities users aren’t limited to just a few variance checks. The options are endless – evaluate changes on any field (even user-defined fields) within the schedule, across any number of schedule updates.
Deltek Acumen 360™ can simulate the effects of a given change before approval. This same feature can be used to model potential delays or acceleration opportunities and immediately see the impact on project completion. For projects in the planning stage, this means identifying the most efficient, or fastest, path to project completion. 360 could even generate multiple options for completing the schedule earlier than planned, allowing the user to select the optimal one. For projects already in execution, 360 provides options for remediating slips and delays; creating schedule scenarios that remediate time lost due to issues during execution and get the delayed project back on track for on-time completion.
With many tools, reporting is somewhat of an afterthought. At Deltek Acumen, we know that all the innovative analyses in the world mean nothing if the results are difficult to communicate. Whether reporting to executive stakeholders or internal team members, Acumen software provides unrivaled flexibility in how the project is presented to others. While in the tool, the user-built dashboard shows key results and provides clear graphs and charts that can be copy-pasted to other applications. When working with management, the executive briefing, a highlevel and easy-to-read synopsis of overall project status and recommendations is the perfect tool to show the big picture.

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